euroampli alien cardio the suite
Eurocolumbus presents ur made in Italy
The device has further evolved, so much so that it can easily be considered a valid alternative to stationary angiographic/hemodynamic systems.
Euroampli Alien Cardio can be easily installed even in a small room. In the same space, all the accessories typical of an Angiography and/or Hemodynamic Room can easily be placed: wall unit for repeater monitors / anti-X protection / small surgical lamp / repeater monitors in the control room / …
If it is not possible to install the monitors on a wall unit fixed to ceiling, the optimal solution is a light and maneuverable trolley (you can install a 55” multisplit monitor or up to two 31.5” 4K monitors on a single trolley).
ETS15 (Eurocolumbus Touch Sensitive) is installed both on the C-arm and on a small trolley